Monday, November 5, 2012

Removing unprintable, unreadable character (Replace ASCII Characters from Excel WorkSheet)

Removing unwanted, unprintable characters in a Cell in Excel!!
We copy and paste data from web source into excel and use it for further detailing, analysis using excel. Data of teams, districts, states when copied from web, it could have some unprintable, non-viewable ascii characters within Cell. Due to such character presence excels functions such as vlookup, hlookup, search, find, countif fails to give accurate and reliable result. We can consider following approaches to solve our problem:-

  1. Enable Macros 
  2. Open VBE using Alt + F11
  3. Insert Module 
  4. Paste Below Code
Option Explicit

Dim Currow, LastRow, LastCol As Integer
Dim Curcol As String

Sub Remove_NonPrintable_Characters()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False

 If Range("A1").Value <> "" Then
        LastCol = Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft).Column
        LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row
        Curcol = Split(ActiveCell.Address, "$")(1)
            Currow = Selection.Cells.Row
            Range(Curcol & Currow).Value = removeall(Range(Curcol & Currow).Value)
            ActiveCell.Offset(1, 0).Select
        Loop Until Currow >= LastRow
            ActiveCell.Offset((0 - Currow), 1).Select
     Loop Until Selection.Cells.Column > LastCol
    End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

Public Function removeall(CellValue As String) As String
Dim ErrChar As Integer
Dim NewVal As String
Dim i As Integer

For i = 1 To Len(CellValue)
    ErrChar = Asc(Mid(CellValue, i, 1))
    Select Case ErrChar
        Case Is < 91 And ErrChar > 64
            NewVal = NewVal & Chr(ErrChar)
        Case Is < 123 And ErrChar > 96
            NewVal = NewVal & Chr(ErrChar)
        Case Is = 32
            NewVal = NewVal & Chr(ErrChar)
        Case Is < 59 And ErrChar > 44
            NewVal = NewVal & Chr(ErrChar)
    End Select

Next i
removeall = NewVal

End Function


(Click Here for ASCII Table)

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